Judul : Rush Rally 2 v1.55 Mod Apk (Unlocked) Terbaru
Rush Rally 2 v1.55 Mod Apk (Unlocked) Terbaru
Rush Rally 2 v1.55 Mod Apk (Unlocked) TerbaruFree download Rush Rally 2 v1.55 Mod Apk (Unlocked) Terbaru | Selamat siang sobat Andronet pada moment kali ini saya akan membagikan game android yang paling di cari para gamers saat ini bertema mobil Rally yang yang sangat cepat dan anda harus bisa menguasai lintasan karena lintasan saat ini berlumpur karena curah hujan yang tidak beratur medan salju juga telah dilengkapi dalam game ini dan lebih serunya versi terbaru kali ini telah dilengkapi dengan modhack apk yang sudah unlocked buat para sobat yang penasaran dengan game ini silahkan anda download dan mainkan di android anda saat ini.
Decription :
Rush Rally 2 â€" After 2 years of advancement, Brownmonster studio at long last exhibited one of the best test systems of rally. You are sitting tight for 72 tracks in 7 nations with various covers and climate conditions. Extraordinary design and reasonable material science precisely pass on the flow of the race. Purchase and modify autos. You can likewise contend with the apparitions of different players.
Rush Rally 2 is the most real and exciting rally recreation on your portable, all running at an astonishing 60fps. Console quality hustling on your versatile! â€"
Race during the evening or day in downpour or snow! Rally through 7 Countries, more than 72 one of a kind stages each with various surface sorts including snow, rock, landing area and sand. Indeed, even tackle the unbelievable 12.42 Miles Pikes Peak Hill Climb!
Screen shoot
Informasi Games :
Nama : Rush Rally 2 Apk
Version : 1.51
Ukuran : 64 MB
Android : 4.0.3 +
Mode : Offline
Format File : Apk
Upload : 21 Mei 2016
Info Mod : Unlocked
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